 Scorpions Would Multiply
Now, those under the "locusts" of the fifth trumpet operate as "untimely figs". They form a five cycle and it is to be expected that due to the requirement for transpositions to shorten the seven cycle to one of five churches, there is the need for serpent transpositions to operate on the seven cycle from another setting elsewhere "in the sea". (In order, by permutation multiplication, to shorten the cycle to one of five "churches".)
Scorpions (locusts) are then that spirit that fills the vacuum caused between fellowships as they join together in compromise by wormwood (as with serpentine judgement, see previous page). Despite the certainty of contradiction in virtue or doctrine, these spirits not only seize upon opportunities to practise the dialectic as offered by the serpent spirits: they, also, by accepting the further growth offered by those same serpent spirits, circumstantially permit five cycles to form which cause the believers within those churches to be held captive by the strength of their relationships and without Christ, captive to their debt of works instead made within the scarlet beast system of the five-fold image (and always under the ten kings' dialogue).
Those relationships are those to which they hold fast (instead of doctrine) and yet they, as locusts which only leaven, permit that dialectic setting to reign so that they must operate in that diabolical process.
So, "locusts" are those spirits that fill the closure of "wormwood" between any two churches met in contrary dialogue and not in a seven cycle, so that in the beast's image the five cycle would persist over the wider amalgam as a whole. The goal is to construct Lucifer's "weakening of the nations" so that the whole organised church would find itself captive to such a five cycle, so that Satan may lay claim to having built "MYSTERY BABYLON" - maybe not in full, but just enough to snare the least within.
So, the "gentiles" that tread the outer court of the temple underfoot (that fall as untimely figs) - the "nations" of the seven churches from which the exit of the sealed has occurred, are reducing to a set of tares that operate in only the dialectic setting, and they are never to discern the lack of Holy Spirit inside the false prophets' system, as ever lost without His discernment.
So, the "locusts" private virtue by compromising on doctrine, caused by the strength of either their relationships in their fellowships, or for the deception that growth is ever the great commission. For it is not "make converts of all nations" but instead "make disciples of all nations", which is something else entirely. It is even - "leave no stone unturned, but collect on quality - not quantity". In truth the seventy were sent out to make but one convert in every town, the "son of peace" and to move on after, or brush the dust off one's feet as without finding one. (The Holy Spirit chose, they had no process of dialogue!)
The locusts then fill the void of "quantity" as if "potentiality" and the believer is that which should be of "quality", each worthy of his talent.
So, dreaming of growth and castles in the sky is actually against the great commission when it expands in the false prophet spirit. It is hard to spot if you are not always present at the enjoining of your fellowship to the worldly institutions that would see it become incorporated. Yet growth is such extension, but projecting ones hope into a Godless vacuum is occult, and without an equivocation, made in an age where God is not well pleased with the world and, as ever, concerning the lukewarm that would call Him "Lord", it is a foolishness for them to dream of those castles in the sky when the believer cannot defend (read "justify" before God) the castle he has only attempted to build on the sand.
As to why the locusts come first in scripture: there would be no authority for the sixth trump and second woe to be instantiated without the locusts and first woe to begin with. The believer "snaked" by their would-be representatives in wormwood - as of the sixth trump - either need those relationships between fellowships in the five-cycle to hold them captive beforehand or they already require the conviction for ungodly growth and expansion which is found in the reign of ten kings over the image system. Either way, the seven cycle must be interrupted first, in order for the believer to freely choose to continue in the five cycle over the seven cycle, enabling the second woe to occur without any gift of Godly discernment. That arrives as if a "gift" instead - a "bait and switch".
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