With Fervent Heat
The passage I wish to examine from 2 Peter is as such.
2Pe 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
2Pe 3:11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,
2Pe 3:12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?
2Pe 3:13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
So, I will examine these verses somewhat in reverse order.
First off, verse 13 sets the stage that the current heavens and Earth are not indwelt with righteousness but verse 10 tells us the works of the earth will be burned up. This is clearly a reference to the dialectic in the four earthly elements. Could the coset of the static subgroup itself be referenced by the term "elements"?
The day of the Lord is a separation of the just from unjust, and the heavens dissolved refer to the static subgroup, but in Christ there are three possible static subgroups in the K4 form under the Frobenius map upon the octal.
I.e. [a,b,c],[a,d,e],[a,f,g] in the K4 form may all become as unity under Frobenius upon the octal. These, therefore, are the "heavens" which are to be dissolved and under the wrath, no longer to remain for the ungodly which inherit an octal outside of Christ under an operation of symmetric difference with no multiplication of the Holy Spirit. The heavens then, are always on fire, and belong not to the paradigm of the ungodly but to the elect having intercession from Christ.
Then the passage would appear to refer to the consummation and the pouring out of God's vials of wrath.
Then the "elements" which will melt with fervent heat are those same that remain for the ungodly yet are shared with the righteous in the Sun octal also. The wrath, by opposing the Sun octal and "sea of glass" with the symmetric difference of those "wrath" and "wormwood wrath" octals scorches men with that operation (fire), and though those four subgroups of the earthly coset are shared, the operations are at total odds with each other, forming complement sets.
But can they be said to "melt"?
The term "melt" is Strong's G5080 and means to "liquify". It would appear that as John put it, they "gnawed their tongues for pain" in order to implement an inapplicable seven cycle (as water or that "liquid") to permit the dialectic to continue. There is no seven cycle over the wrath and wormwood wrath octals, but Peter metaphysically seems to state that the elements only melt with the application of great heat, as if the very works of the Earth cannot continue without that same scorching by fire (as if spirit were multiplication), causing them to gnaw their tongues in pain. Clearly, Peter appears to reference the parable of the rich man in hell, seeing Lazarus in paradise. The man has been heard in heaven, but only by deliberately positioning himself in great discomfort (in fire) to do so.
There is simply no intercession remaining for those caught in the Earthly elements practising the dialectic in wormwood.
So, the heavens, always under the operation of C7 (as if on fire) are to be dissolved for those remaining in the Earth, and the remnant (the coset) will only permit the dialectic devices to blaspheme the Holy Spirit with great discomfort, if at all. Whilst such blasphemy may be possible, it will not be within the same octal in Christ and (to be fair), their paradigm is without that knowledge to blaspheme Him knowledgably anyway.
These events will certainly occur with the judgement, and the clear separation of the elect from the damned.
And this event, that the world without knowledge of the end goes directly to its judgement by Christ, as a "thief in the night" when the Sun does not shine and only the wormwood becomes the works "in the Earth", happens at the very end. I.e. when the least has made His circuit into approval by God despite being opposed by a quasi-seven-cycle through wormwood (overcoming every device of the dragon and requiring all others to directly do the very same), becomes also a "work in the earth" (and occurs in the dialectic) as because the least is the angel that treads the winepress, every vial is poured out on every device of antichrist, to separate those parts which properly belong to the paradigm of the believer in Christ only.
Then with the dialectic, the Sun octal becomes black like a mourning garment, and under a seven cycle is also "burned up", though not to give wormwood itself a seven cycle (an impossibility), but to separate the ungodly from the godly instead. Then they are thus separated by their works, which are to become a cage for them as in the lake of fire.
So, the Earth as in the dialectic device(s) contained with it are burned up with the treading of the winepress just as the heavens are dissolved! As for the "great noise", there is the shout of the archangel to await, but the noise is as of a "great crash" (G4500) and this may simply indicate a "sudden stop".
So, once again there is an interpretation ready in the octal.
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