In Chapter four of the book I equivocate rest and existence. In order to do this In the disjunction I "maximised all r" to the set of all positive properties in or consequent of q. Yet this has some bizarre effects by which I find the notions of infinity , self reference and incompleteness creep in.
Infinity And Incompleteness
Some strange things happen when one of the sets in the octal becomes "empty". I take a brief look at that here. Things are a lot simpler when q is "co-finite" as in the book: here, there3 is the possibility that the octal collapses to the local closure unless a suitable partition of predicates may be made. There is such a partition, but it is not as beautiful as the possibility that God is always truly "infinite" and self references the octal's closure with that taken locally.
Self-Reference and Closure
God is an incomplete construction in some sense if the local closure of the K4 group is made to self-reference the closure of all positive properties. This is by construction "impossible", though we too easily limit ourselves to maximise all r to q etc. It suffices to say that God may "do all that" without hindrance... Omnipotence has its reward, as God may choose to answer any disjunction being both omnipotent and creator: there is no sense that He is limited in positive properties, rather when we look through the magnifying glass we do not see God's wider picture.
Existence Again
God, is found in some situations to be conceived as necessarily existent. In disjunctions of virtue, there are some strange effects when sides are maximised to all positivity. Those effects should rightly show our own naivety, as we do not understand God, and how infinite His power and knowledge. I posit some system of self-referencing closure in positive properties: that system without proof, but IF God be necessary, is the language for explaining that "set of everything" also subject to similar necessity?
Power To Take It Up Again
Again, when sets are maximised there are strange effects: All these problems disappear when the existence of the octal is first assumed rather than constructed over the K4 form found within it. There is some requirement for self-reference or infinite regression to which I may only haphazardly make a guess! The truly infinite must somehow self-reference it's own subsets: I do not have the machinery to solve for this: I would rather assume the existence of the trinity before dividing up a "set of everything" to which I am not party. I make some attempt at placing a (possibly finite) K4 form in the midst of an indefinite octal, one which may be considered absent: though this makes sense only when that K4 form is itself maximised.
Made Perfect In Weakness
When the octal appears to vanish, i.e. when the K4 form is maximal and split with the local closure by necessity the whole closure of the octal, the logically impossible middle becomes viable and by necessity complete in all positive properties. This all from a simple rearrangement of the disjunction. When it becomes humanly impossible to practice virtue, we should instead be comforted that the gospel instead is strong: we will not lose election when we fail to minister - even when we are opposed by ultimatums of "produce a miracle or shut up".
Made Sin For Us
There are myths surrounding the cross. that somehow Jesus took the blame for me, or my sin caused His suffering, or that sin must be rebought and repaid for every Sunday. Instead the work of the cross is not just for us, although Jesus gladly laid His life down for us, His friends. Instead, the work of the cross was a commandment of and work for the Father, so that God would understand our sinful captivity to our own death, and that instead of sin, God sees His Son in similar captivity on the cross so that He may minister to us for our freedom.
Hast Thou Forsaken Me?
The subject of infinite regression appears once more to solve the problem. Faith on Christ is one thing - it is quite another to see the Father behind the cross of Jesus crucified. Jesus had as a commandment from the Father the requirement to take up His cross in fulfilling the law: Though Christ exemplified more than the mere human, the virtue He fulfilled was the same set we are all capable of. Above that, and we see the Father ministering through His Son, and at the very end when Christ could not "find" His Father, even Christ had to have faith.
Revisiting The Construction
I sum up the main points of this section in one page: By examining the initial construction of the octal in the book I more precisely set out my quandary: It resolves mostly: although I still require "faith" that there is always an octal, a Father.
Into Thy Hands...
I try another attempt at constructing the octal given the closure of the K4 form: again, without success. That Christ came from the Father teaching of His Father, is enough - I can not make the Father His own grandson!
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