The Marriage Of The Lamb
In the book I formed the disjunction of l∨l&l-1 as if the sets r and s of the octal, with "l" the principal element (the zero). Then the remaining elements in the disjunction are formed from u-1∨v-1, or as these sets are at rest, and are consequent from "l" both sides and also found in modal collapse (both sides are logically equivalent), I have l=>Ω, with Ω the set of all predicates positive and not.
So, I then have an equality in the octal of u&v to Ω, that there is a "marriage" of sets u-1 and v-1 to u&v or Ω. Now, u is not equal to v, remember, but these sets remain disjoint in the old name of the octal, and the union made supersedes them in the new.
So, that union or product of u-1∨v-1 becomes empty as u-1∪v-1 or equivalently in the octal, even as u∪v.
So, can I show from those disjoint sets u and v that a principal "l" is enough to show that product is truly a union? In every disjunction I have God's sevenfold principal elements placed on the extant side only; adding the zero makes no difference to that fact.
I must show that if "l" belongs to both u and v, say, then u-1∨v-1 is solved with a virtue gp. Given a modal collapse (every statement equivalent to the principal element) in that particular ultrafilter, as God exits one side only, I have <gp> = <gu>∧<gv> in the new name. I must show that every element or predicate "x" in Ω is consequent of gp, and is therefore found in that same conjunction of <gu>∧<gv>.
If gu etc., were principal alone, then every set formed in that disjunction (found in the middle) is truthfully of the form (x&eu) & (y&ev). The minimal (principal) element is then found as ep=eu&ev. Not apparently a problem, but if the least is found principal instead, then the minimal element is simply "l". Then as the sets (x&eu) and (y&ev) are wholly disjoint to that of <eu&v>, I may (in the creation) truthfully reduce to my set of creation "a0" wherein is that same modal collapse - for the ultrafilter in a0 must have a positive property besides those principal elements of God's person. I.e. the minimal element in creation is not as eu&ev but as some real non-empty x&y instead without that least! The minimal element must have at least one set from both u and v, leaving it disjoint in predicates with either.
So, as the least is principal in creation itself, the presence of a minimal element "l" carries the union to be found of Ω = {z : z in x∪y, all x, all y.}
I.e., not only is the middle carried, but each side is present in that union as well. This, is not possible for the other elements of the additive octal!
Now, the circuit is made by the least to carry this union in all seven ultrafilters of the octal; each disjunction found must be under modal collapse similarly, for God to be again placed in His creation by that same modal collapse (for He is already present but only so with His old name, this circuit brings His reign of the new.)
So, how can the least usher in that new name without leaving creation? Each gift of Christ written of in the seven letters allow him to cumulatively accrue the broken closures of his circuit: Those "horns" on the lamb, made in the several lx, accrue until there is one (eighth) set of creation remaining with a closure that cannot be further broken (a pillar in the temple of God) with God justified to dwell within; l the least brings the second coming. Then the mirror is held up to those disjoint sets of virtue in the octal which consequently span all a0 (by the uniqueness of virtue, a sevenfold image of Christ's regressing closure in all virtue in the K4 form - see chapter four in the book "Seven Eyes Open" - (Fourth Edition)), in those seven lx. For their conjunction or additive product in the octal is simply the zero and principal element once again, and "l" becomes delivered and justified overall; a Son of God, and the Spirit is consequently unified with the bride.
There are various corollaries, that the circuit is proof of the existence of God and His new name, or that Jesus Christ inherits the octal and its seven cycle (and the separation of its closure of virtue into the seven horns) as His new name - just as His Father's old name in positive properties becomes subject to the inner closure of the new name in that newly justified K4 form of Christ (as with 1=0), are arguments somewhat above requirement at this point. I would state that the union in the crown and circuit of the angel (a living crown gifted him by Christ) leaves the null ring - whether of the least with 1=0 or of the new name complete - as part of Christ's inheritance also. There will remain seven K4 subgroups in the octal even with an eight cycle made over its singletons! (A C4 group is possibly found over every K4 group, though it sounds bizarre.)
Is there any scripture for this eight cycle? God requires it for His new name as all seven churches of the angel's circuit must all be overcome; for if the angel returns to them in that circuit he must be brought once again to complete his eight cycle.
Jer 15:19 Therefore thus saith the LORD, If thou return, then will I bring thee again, and thou shalt stand before me: and if thou take forth the precious from the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth: let them return unto thee; but return not thou unto them.
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