
Made Sin For Us

The cry out to the Father from Christ when He was upon the cross is of note.

Mat 27:46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? (KJV)

I noted in chapter five of the book that the cross was a dialectic: there is also an "earthy ultrafilter" in the coset of any K4 group in the octal exercising virtue in a disjunction.

Then with r v s maximised to Ω v e and there no freedom for Christ but <e> v ∅, The Father has appeared to vanish from Christ, the solutions for v and u are themselves become simply r and s. That Christ's hands are nailed to a cross are not without symbolism, Christ unable to act as the sets of u and v are empty (or possibly u=s-1 and v=r-1, in an "exchange" of positive properties).

Either way, Christ is cut off from His Father - there is no solution for an octal containing the K4 group when Christ is either unable to rest (u, v empty) or unable to act (r, s empty) - (which is the correspondence to those nailed hands).

That stated, Christ as cut off from the Father, able to show Himself also God by that freedom of rearranging Ω v e to <e> v ∅, is in that instant not just severed from the Father, but is become the very same heavenly and Divine analogue of the "sin" of the "son of perdition" modelled in chapter 10 of the book.

The Father knows what it is like to be trapped in sin. For Him, it is as seeing His Son crucified, unable to minister, or, rather, as Christ ministering in one way - laying down His life for us - resulting in the Father Himself being cut off, as from His Son's own knowledge of Him (though He was always there). Whilst in "sin" the "son of perdition" takes a second manifold of conjugating elements of S5 in the senses about A5 rather than as freely about the identity element "e" or else by properly considering and evaluating the environment through conjugating about S5, God, instead, has modelled this opposite (and "halfway house" analogue) of "sin" for Him by Jesus giving His life for us on the cross, so that He (the Father) may understand our captivity, and also that knowledge more perfectly.

Jesus then, becomes the template of divine perfection in the only capacity of "sin" that Christ would ever exemplify (forced and unable to act and intercede), in K4 form, perfect and closed in positive properties (but not in all completeness) and cut off from the Father (the octal), Christ becomes God's "factoring down" as if from S5 to A5 (but for God, Octal to K4 closed without u, v etc.) to understand our captivity in sin and our separation from God that we know we have sinned in.

So, God understands captivity all too well, and there is no switching of my guilty self for Christ's crucified presence other than the fact that God (Christ) remembers all too well being unable to know His Father, unable to find Him freely, unable to become any more than separated from Him knowing only approaching death.

The Father knows no sin, but Christ laid down His life to be the Father's reference and understanding of our captivity in sin, and whilst sin abounds, there is one Christ - as substitute for that captivity of sin, not made individually in our own place, but in the place God forever has for His one and only begotten Son to know us all despite our individual sin. That cross of Jesus is nothing without Christ present crucified before the Father always, that same lamb's place (for God sees Christ crucified every time we sin, i.e. it is not the fault itself but the captivity that is defeated in the gospel), is record enough to justify our predestination.

So, the Father with Christ crucified was unable to minister whilst He was "made sin upon the cross" as the impossible middle in a dialectic of two covenants (neither covenant strictly in effect), just as we are without approval whilst we ourselves sin. Yet the gospel superseded the law, and when we are instructed to crucify the flesh, we do no new work ourselves.

Gal 5:24 And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. (KJV)

What does this refer to? If the flesh (captivity of sin) is crucified then one is or must be predestined. This is simply a verse that identifies every saved Christian as one who has already been "born again". It is the faith placed on Christ that brings one to realise that this has happened, the moment when one realises they are accepted.

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