 The Trinity As At The Beginning
I likened the infinite regression of the Trinity to a translation order two upon a repeating isometry that took the form similar to two interlocking tori within a third member, the container of the pair - the model I used of "the Son".
I simply modelled the regression of the Son as order two and with the group [0,a] isomorphic to C2. The group is transformed by repeatedly adding "a" to each element as if doing so to each component in a 2D coordinate space.
I.e. [0,a] => (a + [0,a] = [a,0]) => (a + [a,0] = [0,a]) etc...
And when including the other two members of the Trinity (that alternate as if the tori) I have the model extended to: a = [0,a,b,c].
...And then [0,a,b,c] => (a + [0,a,b,c] = [a,0,c,b]) => (a + [a,0,c,b] = [0,a,b,c]) etc...
And that's it! simple really!
And all three members "a", "b" and "c" likewise have the same operation implied on the same K4 group: That group from which the Father surrenders unity in GF(4) to the Son and takes His place in the seven cycle over the field GF(8) as the elements of the octal group - itself spanned by a K4 group formed of the three groups held static within it under a three cycle under the map of Frobenius. (Groups which are implicitly congruent to the one group (of the seven in total) that alone is held static under the map of Frobenius on GF(8).)
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