When You Find A Mistake
The first edition of the book had many errors within the notation of the logic and maths used, and especially within the first part of the book. There is a second edition with many corrections made which is available to buy on amazon now. I recommend that if you found this site before buying the book that instead of purchasing the second edition instead of the first, you wait a little longer for the forthcoming third edition.
That said, I apologise for the errata in the first and second editions. I also state that I am not promoting and actively marketing the first edition for those reasons, and that it will be superseded with corrections and improvements.
When you find a genuine error, please do not sit still on it! I hope that if you felt a little dissatisfed with the presence of such an error you would contact me: That same feeling is also keenly felt by me, the author!
Please let me know exactly the chapter and section number, the page number and include the line with the error and email all of that information to me! You will find a link to email me in the bottom right corner of every page on this website. Simply click on the giant "@" symbol to open your default email program.
I promise not to put your email on any mailing list or email you back with spam! You simply have my word on this, I am the one that should be most grateful (I am thankful), you should not out of generosity help me and feel bad for doing so.
My sincere apologies for the errors and also my warmest thanks for purchasing my book: I have tried looking for errors myself but as a "one man band" it is easy to overlook that with which you are most familiar.
Alexander J B Connor.
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